Oct 5, 2010

Where To Next??

So we are at the point in our Coast Guard tour that we have to pick where we go next... AKA filling out the "Dream Sheet". If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns here is your chance, please keep in mind the alien that will be dropping by the end of March.
*Sorry Mom and Dad Rhoades Jared has Wisconsin picks but I don't...

Choice #1: Galveston, TX
Choice #2: Savannah, GA
Choice #3: Clearwater, FL
Choice #4: San Pedro, CA (Southern CA)
Choice #5: Mobile, AL (Very last resort!)


  1. Of course Grammie & Pawpa would prefer Texas, but we like all them except California....As long as we all have skype we will be happy wherever the good Lord and the CG send y'all...Love y'all lots!

  2. don't call my grandbaby an alien!!

  3. cape cod is kind of nice anything there?
