Sep 25, 2011

Yummy Yummy

Julia has been enjoying all the new foods that she gets to try, and now that she is 6 months old she can try even more. Some of her favorites are sweet potatoes and sweet peas. Today she has some oatmeal and prunes... a little scared to see what is in her diaper later today. She went to her 6 month appointment to get her check up and some shots this past Friday. Daddy got to come for the first time! She weighs 18 lbs and 11 oz and is 28 1/4 inches tall. She has been jumping in her jumper and rolling all over getting strong and burning off some of that baby fat. She is still a happy baby and loves to stick out her tongue at everyone.


  1. she is such a happy baby - and SOOOOO cute. love seeing all the pictures. hope to see her in person SOONER than later :)


  2. Congratulations Julia, you are no longer in first place for weight. At 6 months your Aunt Jesse was 19# 7oz.!, Emily was 18# Haley 17# 6oz. and your mother was the smallest at 16# 9oz. You can try for the record again at 12 months~Nana

  3. Nana, you made Grammie curious about my kids weight at Julia's age...her daddy weighed 19 lbs and was 31"...Aunt Jacie was 15 lbs 2 oz and 26" (that was at 5 1/2 months) and Aunt Jami was 15lbs 11oz and 26" at 6 months....looks like Aunt Jesse is the winner!!!
