Apr 18, 2012

Remember When?

Someone asked me today what ever happened to Married To A Bevill, they said I only post pictures of Julia now. I never thought that that I would ever let myself become totally consumed with my child. I don't know how anyone could not be with their own child. I thought that I knew what love was when Jared came into my life. The day that Julia was born a whole new meaning of love was introduced to me, and to Jared. She stole our hearts and doesn't ever let go. I guess what hit me was, before Julia it was Jared and Me... It was just was so natural when we became a family, it just fit. I didn't realize that I forgot how it all started. I guess what I am trying to say is make time for yourself, and make time for the love of your life too. Give them a hug or a kiss, and tell them what they mean to you. Say I love you everyday.


  1. When did you get so wise. You have a wonderful family

  2. Jana, you are so right. Mark and I were so used to just Us, that when Kyla came along we just fell right into our next routine. I try to tell Mark everyday that I love him and as the saying goes... when he is home I alway Kiss him Goodnight!!! Love Yall Aunt Melissa

  3. you guys look like babies in this photo :)
