May 19, 2012

Can You Believe

Could you believe that this sweet faced little girl could ever do anything wrong?
Today Julia decided she wanted to swim in her pool which she loves very much, but she was still in her clothes and regular diaper.  She did a belly flop into the pool and I decided to just let it slide this time. She was so happy and splashed around the pool and blew bubbles and kick, kick, kicked and everything.  After a few minutes I decided to get the wet clothes off, and the diaper that had almost tripled in size, since it was the super dry max kind.  She was free as a bird splashing around having a great time.  I decided I better get a little swimmer on her before we had an accident in the little pool.  We went inside and headed to her room, she squealed down the hallway and ran into her room laughing the whole way.  I followed and went right to the closet to get the diaper, and Julia headed to her hair bow holder to pull them off.  As I turned to get her little naked butt into a diaper,  I saw something on the floor.  It was POOP!!! She had pooped on the floor, and was in the process of telling me ewww and pointing to it. Our sweet little baby girl POOPED on the floor....


  1. Sounds like her dad,the pooping part.

  2. Never, at least she told the truth!

  3. At least she told the truth!

  4. At least she is one and not three. I babysat a three-year-old who did that.
