Mar 9, 2011

First Guesses

So here are some of the guesses that have come in so far:

Jana- March 15th, 6lbs 5oz
Emily- March 16th AM, 7lb 6oz, green eyes
Jared- March 17th, 7lbs 1oz
Devan- March 18th, 6lbs 8oz
Jackie- March 19th, 7lbs 13oz
Andrea-March 19th 3:28 PM, 7lbs 9oz
Korben- March 19th, 10lbs
Bill- March 19th, 8lbs 7 oz
Jeff- March 20th 3:50 PM (the time Jackie's plane lands), 7lbs 9oz
MiMi- March 20th, 8lbs 4oz
Jacie- March 21st, 7lbs 2oz
Teresa- March 21st, 7lbs 4oz
Haley- March 22nd, 8lbs 11oz
Stony- March 23rd, 6lbs 7oz
Grandad Jack- March 23rd, 7lbs 14oz
Grandma Billie- March 24th, 7lbs 2oz
Melissa- March 24th, 6lbs 10oz
Nate- March 24th AM, 6lbs 9oz, 17 in
Jessica Lynn- March 24th PM, 7lbs
Misty- March 25th, 7lbs 5oz
Konner- March 29th, 5lbs

If you have told me your guess and it is not here I probably just forgot to write it down, and these days if I don't write it down it goes in one ear and out the other. So please tell me again or if you have not put a guess in and want to, do it soon who knows when she will be here! 2 weeks from today is my due date I am 38 weeks today... I can't even believe that before this month is over we will have a little baby in our house! I mean besides Chester.


  1. Haley - March 22 8lbs 11oz

    Sounds like she was head-down the other day?

  2. This is a bad guess BUT Tyler's birthday is March 25th (he'll be eleven!) so I will go with it! You don't look big at all, so I'll say 7 lbs. 5 oz.

  3. March 24 6lbs 10oz Aunt Melissa

  4. Yup she was head down and hopefully is stuck that way so she can't move before she is born. We have another appointment tomorrow to see how much I have dialated.

  5. Bill - March 19 8lbs 7oz

  6. Jeff---March 20,2011 7lbs 2 3:50 p.m. (the time Grammie's plane arrives)...I don't think he is to funny!!!

  7. My guess would be March 21st, 7 lbs 4 oz.

  8. MiMi wants March 20 8lbs 4oz, and what do we get as a prize for the correct guess :)))

  9. have not thought of a prize yet... I will work on it!

  10. an airline ticket would be a great prize!!!!!!!!!!! I will get the boys guesses

  11. 7lbs 6oz 3/16/11, PM, green eyes

  12. Great Grandmama Billie---March 24 7lbs 2oz
    Great Granddaddy Jack----March 23 7lbs 14oz

  13. I'll try this post again. Since Jackie and I are both guessing March 19th, I think we need to go with time. My guess is 3:28 p.m. and 7#9oz. That was when you were born and how much you weighed. I can't believe no one is guessing the 28th!
